Wednesday, January 22, 2025

"I Love U" Oil on 6x8 inch board



I loved painting this little collection of fruit and blocks, with Valentine's Day in mind, but, an "I love you" message is good any time of the year!

Below are some in progress photos.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Christmas Painting! Oil on 6x8 board



A new Christmas painting for 2024! 

 I've also been busy painting some small 4x4 inch Christmas ornaments.  The designs are similar to some of my Christmas oil paintings from previous years.  

They are so fun to paint, and I love them all!

Available at Railroad Street Artworks, and in my Etsy shop!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Railroad Street Artworks


I have some good news to share! 

 I am now a member of the new Railroad Street Artworks gallery in Fairport, New York.  It is a co-op gallery with about 30 artists represented.  It also has a large event space, and classroom space for upcoming art classes of various kinds.  

Below is a pic of my space on the wall, I have 5 paintings hanging, and some prints for sale.  I also have a couple of new paintings ready to go up in the first week of December.  

Twice a month I am there in person, 'gallery sitting', and there's no better place I'd rather spend a few hours than in an art gallery!.

If you are in the area, please stop in and visit!   

The grand opening  in October was well attended!  

Below:  A sneak peak at a couple of my new paintings....
"Tea and Strawberries"  oil on board, 8x8

And... still on the easel in progress.... a marigold and blue vase, 5x7 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

"Bartlett and Strawberries" Oil on 5x7 linen panel



These strawberries were especially fragrant and sweet, I loved painting them, even though they are always a challenge for me.  

Below are some "work in progress" photos.... 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

"Basket of Clementines" Oil on 6x6 in board



This is my first painting of 2024!  and it's February already.  It's taken a while to get back to my oil paint, I've been busy with grandbabies, and also my mother has had a surgery, she's now home and recovering, things are getting back to normal.  

And recently I've discovered that I really enjoy making artwork with oil pastels! So, I've been taking some time to explore them more.  

Below are some work in progress photos of the clementines painting...  

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"A Little Christmas Cheer" oil on 5x7 board


Available on eBay,

Click here to Bid

I love to paint Christmas themed paintings each year. These shiny ornaments, holly and a candy cane really say "Christmas" to me! 

Below are some work in progress photos:

Saturday, December 9, 2023

"Bosc Pear and Berries" Oil on 6x8 inch board


Available on eBay,

Click Here to Bid

I bought this pear because of it's beautiful colors, I couldn't wait to paint it!  I added in the Christmas berries to give it more of a holiday feel.  

Below are some in progress photos...  I started off with a gray background, but in the end changed to a blue color.  I just love it!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

"Still Life with Swan" 6x6 oil on board



This small painting was a joy to paint! Why a lemon and strawberries with a ceramic swan?  I don't know, but I love the combination of colors, and also it's design. The shape of the leaves compliment the shape of the swan's neck, and follow the flow of it's "feathers".  

I'm sorry to say I didn't take any "in progress" photos while I was working on this, I thought I did! I usually always do, because I like to look back and see my work as I go along.  Sometimes once I'm done with a painting, I don't remember what day I started it, or changes I made, etc.  and I can look back at the pictures to remind myself.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

"Hello October" Oil on 6x8 inch board


Available on eBay, 

Click here to bid

When I start to see pumpkins, I know summer has given way to autumn.  I love this little white pumpkin's shape, along with the late summer black-eyed susan flower.

I started with a simple pencil sketch on paper.

The background was originally light in value.

I decided I liked the contrast of a darker background color

The finished painting

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

"Summer's End" Oil on 8x6 inch board

"Summer's End" Original Oil painting 

This painting was painted as the calendar changed from summer to autumn.  It shows a faded rose, and the last few blackberries picked from my garden.  The yellow flowers bloom in late summer and last all through fall.  I hadn't time to finish this painting before the set up had all wilted.  So, I was able to use a picture I had taken of it, and some fresh flowers and berries.  
My set up after about a week.

I have a picture on my ipad, to the left, and fresh berries, and flowers on the easel.

This is the original set up, and the underpainting on the day I began.

Progress on the second day.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Gallery Shows ! .... and life stuff....

 I have had the honor of having two of my paintings accepted into National Oil and Acrylic Painter's Society (NOAPS) shows this year.

"Unsettled But Steady" (white Iris) was accepted into the NOAPS Best of America exhibition, hosted by the Principle Gallery in Alexandria, VA.  in August 2023.   It also won the "Best Use of Values" award!  

This painting has a special meaning to me, as it was painted during a time earlier this year, that my mother was going through cancer treatments, surgery and hospital stay.  My father, struggling with Parkinson's disease, and in a nursing home, had been sent to the hospital.... so, there hadn't been too much time for me to paint, nor did I even want to.  

But, one day, I set up a fun composition of a stack of cups, and plopped an iris from my garden on top.  

I painted it, and then I suddenly saw a meaning in it, that I hadn't before.  It was an illustration of how strong and solid and unshakeable my mother is.  When things are going wrong, she just keeps steady, and takes it one day at a time.  

 Currently, she is doing much better.  My dad is back at the nursing home, we visit him daily.  My husband had also had a gall bladder attack, hospital and surgery over the summer... things are calming down now... a bit....  I hope.  I'm getting back to my studio more often, and making the time to get back to what I love to do.

"Unsettled but Steady"  Oil 9x12

"Tea with Monet's Poppy Field" was accepted into the NOAPS Best of America Small works show, in May 2023.  It was hosted by Mary Williams Fine Art gallery in Boulder, CO.  
It also won the award for "Most Original"!!!
I am very honored to have been accepted, and then to also win an award!

"Tea with Monet's Poppy Field"  oil 8x10

The two paintings below are currently showing in The Village Gallery, in Caledonia, NY as part of  The Suburban Rochester Art Group show.  The show will be up until September 30th.  

I'm very proud to have my work exhibited in these galleries!  

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

"Sweet and Sour" Oil on 6x8 inch board



Yellow lemons and red strawberries on a blue background, makes a lovely composition with the three primary colors. 

Some "in progress" photos below...

I began with a medium gray background, but just felt it need to be a different color, or value.

I changed it to a darker blue...

and then even darker still, and I loved it!  I should have known the third primary color would be the perfect choice to pair with red and yellow!