
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In progress... oil on 6x8 canvas panel

I've been messing around with this painting for the last 2 days. It is from a photo I took a few days ago on the beach pier. It was the first very warm day we've had, and it was the first chance for people to wear their shorts, and tee shirts and sandals, and take a walk in the sun near the water. I thought I would try to make a painting of these two girls, but every time I try, I wind up scraping the paint off. I'm going to scrape it all off again. Just thought I would take a picture of it first. I actually like how it looks after the paint is scraped off. It leaves a "ghost" of the image, and scratches in the paint. It's kind of interesting... I think I might let it dry that way, before I paint on it again. I don't quite know what result I'm looking for with this, I know it could be a very nice little painting. I just haven't been able to get it quite right.


  1. Some great bones here for a fabulous painting Debbie. I must admit though, that I like it now, and love the lighter values that you've already established. Wonderful pose and composition.

  2. Vern, Thanks for the encouraging words!

  3. I think it's beautiful Debbie. Of course it's your decision about making any changes, but it looks like a great painting to me just as it is.

  4. I have to agree with Vern and Mona, It looks like a wonderful painting now.

  5. Mona and Edward, thank you so much for your comments. It's nice to hear positive things about a painting I'm unsure about.


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