
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"Watermelon and Strawberry"

Oil on 6x6 gessobord
I did this painting a couple of days ago, but wanted to wait for the cloudy weather to pass so I could take a picture of it outside. I painted it with the same colors as I mentioned before, for the lemon, but added pthalo green, and some winsor red. I like using the green to darken the reds, and it makes a super dark color when mixed with alizarin crimson.


  1. A yummy little piece Debbie! You made the fruit look so classy. :)

  2. This is luscious! I can feel the coolness of the watermelon the the weight of the strawberry! Wonderful! Thanks for the tip about the pthalo green in the red, too! :)

  3. Wonderful Debbie! I just had a party and served both fruits, wish I would have though to paint them!

  4. Really great paintings! Your lemons and strawberry/watermelon paintings are little masterpieces. Thanks for the color tips, I'm always wanting to know what colors you use for your reds.

  5. This is beautiful! I love that you also photograph your work on the easel, with your shadow box and still-life set-up in the background. I love seeing the process.

  6. Thank you so much for all the great comments!! It's so fun to hear what others see in a painting, especially from artists who's work I admire!!!!

  7. Debbie, these are some amazing still lifes. Way to go!


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