
Monday, July 6, 2009

Lemons and Cherry 6"x6"

I haven't had time to paint in quite a while, but I finally finished this little one of a cut up lemon and a cherry. It was difficult trying to figure out just what color to do the background. Every time I painted it in, I'd see it later on, and not like it. I finally mixed up some permanent rose with some cad. orange... wow! what a color that is, and then added some ultramarine blue. It made a nice mixture that I thought complimented the lemons.


  1. The background works great! I just went through the background questions with a piece I worked on over the Forth weekend. I worked on it for bits of three days with lots of time invested. The background changed three times and I finally wiped it and put it aside. I thinks that kind of thing happens more often when I haven't been painting for a while. How about you! Your painting turned out a success and mine was a complete flop! (not posted) You get a little gold star!

  2. Thanks Marilyn, It sounds like you and I had the same thing going on, my background color went through about 3-4 changes too! hahah... don't know why, maybe it's like you say, I haven't been able to paint as often as I'd like lately, and it takes more of an effort to get things to work.

  3. Wow Debbie beautiful work. Keep exercising your amazing talent. I am an artist too and was thinking of putting up my own page here. have you got much exposure from being on here? Your feedback would be invaluable to me. Happy fourth !! :D


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