
Monday, July 20, 2009


I have been following artist Michelle Burnett's blog, "Following the Masters", where she invites anyone who's interested to join in and try her monthly painting challenge. The challenge is to try and replicate a painting by a master, and this month's suggested challenge has to do with Poppies,( or your own favorite flower, or garden scene). Poppies make me think of artist Georgia O'Keeffe, and her wonderful paintings of poppies. I thought I would try and copy one of her paintings, and I picked this one from a book I have. It was a very interesting experience trying to replicate her style. It looks easier than it is, for sure! Wow!! All those subtle value changes, and magical brush strokes, I just couldn't seem to follow along like I thought I'd be able to. But, I kept at it, and I like how it came out. My version is done in oil on a 16"x20" canvas. The original by Georgia O'keeffe is called "Poppies" and is 36"x30" and was painted in 1950. It can be seen at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Also, I started a painting of my own poppies, from a picture I took while they were blooming in June. I'll post my progress on that one tomorrow.


  1. It's beautiful Debbie, and it feels like you've made it your own.

  2. This is a great poppy study! I could tell the style right away you did such a good job. I haven't checked in since July 6 and you have been painting a lot since then! Way to go, girl. I'm still in some kind of busy summer funk and can't get my act in gear. Your flowers all look as bright and colorful as the real things, very pretty!

  3. Beautiful work Debbie! Thanks so much for participating!

  4. Mona, Marilyn, and Michelle, Thank you for your comments!!

  5. Debbie, I thought this looked very much like an O'Keefe-- you captured her colors and spirit very well. So nice to come back and see what you've been working on-- many, many good paintings! The banana in a box catches my eye.


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