
Sunday, August 9, 2009

"Two Peaches"

Oil on 6"x8" Canvas Panel

I haven't had much time to paint lately, and the last couple of paintings I did were too blah to post. I'll have to rework them, or something... but this one, I love! I picked these peaches because of their dark red and orange swirls of color.
I used some transparent earth red. and alizarin crimson, with yellows and oranges for the peach colors, and also for the background colors. I used prussian blue also, and viridian.


  1. Debbie, I love the composition, background and foreground colors. It is so helpful when you post your color palette for us - thanks! Your peaches look convincingly velvet-like. Great little painting!

  2. I love the look of your paintings, they have the look of 'old masters' I don't know how you do that (I wish I did!)

  3. I absolutely love it! The color and spatial composition really captivates me.

  4. Wow! thank you so much for all the great comments :)

  5. I love the patterns on these peaches too Debbie. Nicely done and interesting composition. Thanks for sharing the colors you used for this one.


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