
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kreative Blogger Award

How nice, thank you to Lyn O'Neal for including me in her list of Kreative Blogger Awards. She has just started her blog not too long ago, so give her a visit! I will list a few things about myself, and then pass the award along to a few other artists.

  1. Besides drawing and painting, my other interests over the years have been sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidering, and I even built a doll house or two.
  2. I enjoy taking walks, and riding my bike.
  3. I like to bake, especially cakes, pies, and desserts.
  4. I love to eat cakes, pies, and desserts, especially cookies!
  5. I"ve lived here in Rochester, NY, near lake Ontario, my whole life.
  6. I love watercolor painting, and how I've tried over the years, but I just don't seem to have the knack. So, I am fascinated by those who do! Same with playing music.
Ok, enough about me, here are some artist who I would like to pass the award along to:
Give them a visit!
  1. Silvia Williams Watercolors
  2. Laura's Watercolors
  3. Melody Lamb
  4. Following the Masters
  5. Kathy Weber
  6. Dar Presto
Also, visit some of the artists I have on my favorites list, they are all wonderful.

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