
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Self Portrait

Oil on 8"x10" canvas panel

When I saw the latest challenge on Michelle Burnett's blog, "Following the Masters", which was to do a self portrait, I dared myself to try it. And I'm glad I did. I've always wanted to try a portrait of myself, since it seems like a safe way to practice portraiture, (I'm the only one who's gotta be pleased with it). Since I've never been able to successfully draw myself in the mirror, I decided to take some pictures and use one for a reference. I used a canvas panel that I put 2 extra coats of gesso on, and sanded a bit. It smoothed out the surface, so that the canvas texture wasn't so distracting. The colors I used most were, transparent oxide brown, yellow ochre, cadmium scarlet, ultramarine blue, viridian, some burnt umber, and white.
I painted until I got to this point, and didn't quite know what I wanted to change about it, so I stopped, and decided if I wanted to change anything, I would just wait, and do another painting some other time. Changing this one, at this point would probably make it look worked over too much.


  1. This is outstanding! You should be pleased.

  2. Wow! It's fantastic!
    So gifted and so pretty.

  3. Wow! This is beautiful-both you and the painting! I love the soft approach you took with no hard edges and muted colors. It is very peaceful and your slight smile is just perfect! Really really nice!

  4. Lovely portrait Debbie...lovely lady!

  5. Thank you everyone for all of your great comments!

  6. You did an absolutely beautiful job with your portrait, Debbie.

  7. Nice portrait! I love the "masterly" aire about it.

  8. Debbie, it's wonderful to see you paint yourself! Love it!

  9. What a beautiful portrait! You have some serious skill, Debbie.


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