
Saturday, November 28, 2009

"Tangerine, Nuts and Cranberries"

Oil on 5"x7" Canvas Panel
Around this time of year it seems that I always have these items in the kitchen. They look good together, like they might be ingredients in some sort of holiday recipe. Orange Cranberry bread comes to mind. Anyway, I enjoyed painting this one, I might try another with these subjects sometime. I especially liked putting the highlights on the cranberries, they look like little jewels.
Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments, I appreciate them so much!!


  1. Another great painting! The arrangement looks so natural and pleasing, but I know it took much skill and time to produce such a setup. I am still admiring of your use of reds. The cranberries are crisp, pure color without the mud I get with some of my reds. Super!

  2. They do look goog together. I love your fruit and flowers which has a very tactile quality about them.

  3. This is a beautiful painting, and immediately made me think of the holidays.

  4. This is a really beautiful still life Debbie...this is a jewel!


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