
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tangerine Painting with Pear and Apple (Finish)

(Above) "Tangerine" Oil on 5"x7" Linen Panel

"Fruit with Tangerine Painting" Oil on 6"x8" Linen Panel

Here is the little tangerine painting I did, and a painting of that painting with a bosc pear and a ginger gold apple with it. The tangerine didn't originally have any leaves on it, I just taped a sprig of leaves to it to paint by. And as that painting sat finished, I brought out the pear and apple to see what I could do next, and noticed how nice they looked sitting in front of the tangerine painting. So, decided to paint it that way. I had fun painting these.


  1. Both pieces are fantastic, and the way you signed the painting within a painting is brilliant.

  2. Your work takes my breath away! Linda

  3. I've just discovered your blog, and I'm just starting out, painting small still lifes regularly. Seeing your wonderful work makes me want to work harder at my skill set- your paintings are lovely!

  4. I was able to purchase this painting and I couldn't be happier!!! Thank YOU!!!


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