
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas ornaments and Ribbon

Oil on 6"x6" board
I thought I would try to get myself into the holiday spirit today, by getting out a few Christmas decorations. But, once I saw the ornaments, I abandoned my decorating and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to paint an ornament and a piece of ribbon. I've never tried this before, and now I know why other artists desire to paint reflective surfaces, it's sooo fun, and different from anything else. I think this one is finished, I took this picture of it while it was still on the easel. The picture didn't come out too bad, but I'll take another one hopefully tomorrow in better light.


  1. Debbie, Your skill is unreal. Hats off to another really great painting. Merry Christmas!

  2. This is splendid!
    I am attempting a drawing of an ornament, and finding it quite the challenge!

  3. Really nice composition, simple but energetic. By the way, what do you use to sign your name? Your signature is small and neat and readable; mine is like a little kid's.

  4. Thank you everyone, sooo nice of you to stop by and leave such great comments!
    Judy, when I sign a painting I just use a very small synthetic round brush and paint thinned with a mix of oil and turp.


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