
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Cups" Study

Oil on 5"x7" canvas panel
I have been wanting to paint in a looser style, I want the colors to mix on the canvas, I want the brushstrokes to show, and have some kind of rhythm. For some reason, I can see in my head what I want, but then I don't see it come through on the canvas. I have to force myself not to blend my brushstrokes, and in the end, I see that I did just that, and flattened everything out. These cups are a good start toward what I am looking for. I like how they came out.


  1. Your work is lovely and The music to your blog enhances the experience of viewing your work .... Fabulous.

  2. I love the green! The new texture is very nice. I know what you mean about seeing something in your head and almost seeing it on the canvas and then alas! I end up finishing it the same way as always! You finished this one way different for you! Good for you! But I love the way you paint already, no difference necessary but we all want to try different directions.

  3. I like the way they came out.
    Great music too.

  4. I love this one. Amazing how the lack of detail can be more powerfull than the presence of detail. This is art!


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