
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Toast and Strawberry Jelly"

Oil on 6"x6" hardboard panel
I had a bit of a slow start getting back into painting again this new year, but I finally got one done that I like. And then there was the problem of getting a good picture. I can't go outside and take pictures anymore. Our snowless streak has ended in a big way.. it's been snowing for days and days it seems... my dreams of a mild winter were quickly dashed as the weather man still calls for more snow and very low temps in the days to come, but Anyway, I took this picture while the painting was on my easel. I had 2 separate lights pointing towards it on either side, and moved them til the glare on the painting disappeared. It worked out quite nicely I think.
Thank you all for your great comments! You make my day!


  1. This a wonderful piece... the knife, the toast and the jelly!!

  2. Excellent. Makes me want toast...

  3. Fabulous painting.
    Could you wait a sec? I jusst had a craving...gotta go make some toast...

  4. Beautiful and inspiring! Best toast I've ever seen.

  5. Dar, Leslie and Marilyn, Thank you so much for those great comments, you make my day :)

  6. You should be pouring yourself into your painting five hours every single day - or more. You don't have any idea how good you are. You really don't. There are many painters out there who can paint but whose paintings are simply dead. Your paintings are full, teaming over with hidden life. This teaming over can bee nothing more than your personal essence. There is so much more to your paintings than just paint and skill. You have a gift and you must flesh it out fully. Go, go, go! If you don't believe me just look at this painting.

  7. I sooo agree with Anonymous! Your work is amazing.


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