
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Painting Practice

"Fruit on Cloth" oil on 8"x10" linen panel (above)
"Cloth" oil on 5"x7" hardboard panel
I had trouble painting the cloth in the fruit painting and kept wiping it out, so I finally decided maybe it looked just fine the way it was, a bit unfinished. I signed it, but, I'm still not sure if I'll go back to it.
Then I spent a few hours making small drawings of the cloth. I tried to focus only on the shadow shapes while closing one eye, and squinting. It made it much easier to map out those shapes first and then connect them with more detail afterward. I know this, but fail to remember to actually do it most of the time. I did this a few times, changing the position of the cloth after each drawing. I enjoyed that so much, I decided to do a small painting too.
I read this quote on a blog once, I wish I could remember where, but it said this...
"Draw every day for five minutes, and if you don't feel like it, then draw until you do." -Unknown
I sometimes forget how valuable drawing is, until I spend some time doing it.


  1. Great reminder, great quote about drawing. Love the paintings!

  2. Beautiful work, Debbie. The cloth alone is so well painted and makes a gorgeous painting by itself.
    I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award for your creativity and positivity. Please stop by and pick it up!


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