
Monday, March 29, 2010

" Chocolate Frosted Doughnut and Strawberry"

Oil on 5"x7" Gessobord
I thought it would be an interesting challenge to try and paint wax paper, and it was! Wow! I don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon :)
Thank you for all of your encouraging and kind comments everyone!!! They are so appreciated!


  1. Deb, lol you make wax paper look easy anyway! This is a delightful piece.

  2. This painting is fantastic. Wow, I wish I could paint like that. You wax paper is perfect.

  3. Wow - I bet that was a challenge! You completed it excellently, however. It looks so real. The donut with the strawberry in the center looks absolutely delicious.

  4. Nice doughnut! You're on a roll, Debbi!

  5. Oh my goodness...the strawberries here just make my mouth water! I am always amazed at what artists paint as challenges and I can see how they would be! It never would have even occurred to me. Beautiful work, Debbie!

  6. This is so nice! I can almost touch it and smell it! Overall it seems so real! Well done!

  7. Yum! Great handling of the different textures. That strawberry looks so good!

  8. Your berries are gorgeous and that chocolate icing is perfect! The wax paper must have been hard, haven't even thought of painting it. Great job!

  9. Oh, but your wax paper is so convincing! And surely it will be easier the next time around.

    That strawbery is perfection itself. Well done!


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