
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Still Life 5"x7"

Oil on 5x7 gessobord.

After an afternoon of trying to set up some sort of still life, my eye was caught by some items that had been collecting on top of a cardboard box. It seems that they had created a more interesting composition all by themselves, than anything I had come up with. So, I painted it. And it was fun, and casual with no pressure. A fake butterfly, a bowl, a ribbon, a pencil, and a little mannequin.


  1. I love the originality in this composition. I've used ribbons to "tie" everthing together. Like your work.

  2. the mauve color is so delicate...

  3. Oh the story that would be revealed if the little mannequin could speak... This is fantastic, Debbie.

  4. This is a fabulous still life! That little figure model almost looks real here, in a surreal sort of way. Beautiful painting, Debbie!

  5. Debbie, thanks for your comment on my blog. Your work is lovely--great color!

  6. Wow! This is good! This is so good! Keep it up!

  7. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments!!

  8. Mornin' Debbie,
    So glad I stumbled across your blog this morning in my quest to study other people's art to learn. I am a self-taught artist and being unable to find any classes around here in Maine I do alot of studying on line by browsing. I simply love your work. Even my husband, who's no artist, marveled at your strawberries (the best we've ever seen). I will be following your blog and hope you'll stop by to see the kind of work I've been doing. All comments welcomed. I'm at LIMITED SPACE ART STUDIO. Thanks so much. You are an awesome artist.


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