
Monday, May 10, 2010

Another Small Painting on Paper

Oil on 6"x6" Strathmore "Acrylic" Linen finish paper.
I really enjoy the feel of this paper. I know it comes in larger sized pads, I might like to do a larger piece sometime. But, for the time being it seems that doing these small practice pieces really helped me to warm up and get back into the flow of painting, after being away. I could easily wipe the paint off, and start over... again and again. Great exercise!


  1. Yes, they do look sweet, Debbie. Great!

  2. You paint the best strawberries I've seen - and I visit a LOT of art blogs!

  3. I think it has been your backgrounds and textures and brushstrokes that are so totally grabbing my eyes in these past couple of pieces. Well done, Debbie!


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