
Monday, May 17, 2010

Who Will Become the Next Daily Painter????

The Daily Painters website is having a contest to find their next member to include in their online gallery! And I am really excited to find out that I have been selected as one of the top 20 artists!! It's such an honor to be included with other artists whose work I admire!!!

The voting is open to visitors to the dailypainters website until May 30th, and then the ten artists with the most votes will move on to the final round of judging. So, take a moment and click this link to the contest page, scroll down to find your favorite artist, (hopefully it will be me!) and click on the 5 gold stars to vote!!!!!! Thank You!!!
Thank You for your votes everyone!!!!


  1. Congratulations and much luck to you Debbie. You got my 5 stars! Linda

  2. Voted, 5 stars- best of luck in the competition. Your art deserves it.

  3. What a wonderful honor and best wishes! You got my 5 stars!

  4. Very nice work.
    Alot of the daily painters are really begining to look the same online, same images same approach.
    Your work stands out.
    Gave you a the five stars vote.
    Best of luck to you.


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