
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Bowl of Fruit with Lemon"

Oil on 6"x6" gessobord
This painting started out with just a lemon and lime in a glass bowl, but it seemed to need more to fill in the empty space. Before I knew it, I added the grapes, then the strawberry for color and more grapes in the background. I tried to keep the background fruits loose, so that the lemon still seems to be the attraction, which is what I intended in the first place. My favorite part to paint was the glass bowl, and the patterns in it.
(I'll list this painting on ebay later this evening)


  1. I love your soft muted colors, Debbie. Very accomplished still life!

  2. Excellent job with the glass bowl. You did manage to keep the lemon the focal point, I think.

  3. Absolutely stunning still life, Debbie!

  4. Wow, I love the color assortment in this, but your brush handling in the glass bowl and the lime are especially top-notch! There seems to be so much packed into a little canvas. Can I ask how long it took to complete this piece? I'm asking because I have been trying to quicken my painting process because I feel like I am 'noodling' too much, but now I feel I am becoming too sloppy- it's hard to find the balance!

  5. Hi Debbie, I am one of your newest admirers. I am just in awe of the way you paint glass. I haven't tried yet but it jsut looks so hard. Do you have any tips? When you paint it appears you do a lot of deatil in one area and then move on to the next. Is that correct?

  6. Thank you all for the comments!
    Teri, I don't paint glass often, but it seems that if you paint whats behind the glass first and then put the highlights and shadows of the glass over them, it seems to work out pretty good. and I try to keep the details for last.


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