
Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Fruit Plate" Oil on 8"x10" hardboard, in progress.

I decided to try another painting of my plate of fruit. This one is larger, and includes more of the fruit, and the white cloth in the back. I changed the position of the cloth after this picture was taken, so it will look different in the final painting.
I really loved doing a larger painting for a change. It seems funny that I call an 8"x10" painting a "larger" one. But, after so many little 5"x7"s that's the way it feels. I hope to do them more often.
I like taking pictures of my work in progress, it reminds me of where I started, and what it looked like in the beginning. Once the painting is finished, I don't remember what it looked like while I was working on it, so it's nice to look back and see. I also like to write down what I did, if it's something I've done differently that I want to remember.
I'll post the finished painting soon.


  1. Your fruit plates are wonderful! I know what you mean about working a little larger. It doesn't take much larger to feel a sense of "freedom" after painting 5x7"s. I wish that Ampersand gessoboard came 6x8" in the 1/8" thick panels. I find that 6x8 is a perfect size for these small paintings and the size is hard to find.

    Happy Forth!

  2. It is coming out beautifully, Debbie. And I love when you show your steps. Thanks so much.

  3. I find myself wondering where is the second peach in the still life set up? LOL Did you eat it? No matter; it is one gorgeous painting in the works!

  4. Thanks Marilyn, Carol and AutumnLeaves.. LOL.. the peach in my set up is missing because it became too ripe and I had to eat it! I wound up replacing it with another one tho. I didn't think anyone would really notice it missing in the picture! lol


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