
Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Hydrangeas and Daisies" 8x10

Oil on 8"x 10" Hardboard panel

I love these deep violet blue hydrangeas that grow in my mother's yard. I have wanted to paint them for the longest time. I just never thought I could do it. I finally just decided to take my time and try it. I like how it came out.


  1. I especially love hydrangeas when their petals begin to change colors; they are just so amazingly and exquisitely beautiful when they do. Love the painting and those little daisies are a perfect accoutrement to the hydrangeas. Lovely!

  2. What a lovely pairing of flowers. Very nicely done.

  3. You are on a roll- another beauty!

    A question, if it's OK- are you a proponent of using 'the biggest brush possible' or do you stick with smaller sizes? Your brushstrokes look so refined and subtle it doesn't seem you go from 'big to small'. Thanks!

  4. Thanks for the comments everybody!
    Judy, I usually use smaller brushes, I feel a little clumsy with larger ones, unless it's to color in a big background area.


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