
Sunday, July 11, 2010


Oil Study on 6x6 paper
I haven't posted anything in a while, I just haven't been able to paint anything I'm happy with lately. So.. I just decided to stop trying, and started doing some drawing and a little watercoloring, and some small oil studies. I thought I'd post this little study of a white cloth. I used thalo blue, alizarin crimson, yellow and white to make the neutral gray color on a piece of gessoed paper. It's always a good exersize for me to work on seeing and comparing values.


  1. This is so well done; awesome work on those values in the shadows too. Not too dark, not too light. Just perfection!

  2. AutunmLeaves, thanks so much, I thought it needed darker shadows, but the light was so bright on the cloth, the shadows were very light, so I just painted it how it looked.

  3. I like your approach Debbie: To just work through it.


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