
Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Italian Cookies"

Oil on 5"x7" hardboard panel

I just love cookies. I kept having to scrape this painting off, and every time I did, it looked better with the paint scraped away. It left an interesting ghost of the image and a nice texture that I wanted to try and work with somehow. I like how this one came out, finally.


  1. Wow, so realistic, Debbie. Love the colors and textures.

  2. Debbie, I had these same cookies a few weeks ago, when my Dad-in-law brought them from N.Y. on his yearly visit. They were sitting in that neat white box, and I thought 'I should paint these'. But I chickened out; seeing your rendering made me chide myself for not trying harder. Lovely painting!

  3. Wow! I love how you painted the doily. The cookies look scrumcious! I am so glad I'm following your blog.

  4. They're like little edible bite size sculptures, nice!!

  5. love it. Super job, they look edible!!!


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