
Friday, September 10, 2010

"Lil Crab Apples"

Oil on 8"x6" stretched canvas

While out for a bike ride the other day, I came across a tree full of what I thought were some sort of cherries. They were so colorful, I stopped and pulled off a couple twigs full of the fruit, and rode home to paint them. I was a little puzzled, since cherries are usually ripe early in the summer, not at this time of year, but, what do I know? When I got home, I discovered that they weren't cherries at all, but tiny little crab apples! Cute colorful little things.

I usually stain the white gessoed surface of my panel, or canvas first with a thin film of raw umber and wait for it to dry before I paint, but this time I was so anxious to paint them, that I just started right in on the white canvas that I had nearby. I used some stand oil as a medium, and was very happy with how the paint worked on the canvas. I think I'll try this method again, it seemed to work well, and it was a nice change.


  1. What a beautiful painting! The graceful leaves and crab apples are arranged so nicely, creating an interesting composition. Your apples are both "cute" and luscious in color and texture. Really superb job!

  2. Thanks so much for the comments!!

  3. I love the shadow and the reflection on those apples how they all work perfectly in your soft approach of painting.

  4. Debbie,your work with color in this piece is amazing. It just pulls everything together. WOW

  5. The fruit look so shiny and the skin looks translucent, lovely composition, what a lucky find.


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