
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reflecting Cup and Strawberries

(wip) Oil on 6x6 panel

I painted 3 paintings in the last week. The first two didn't excite me very much, I kept trying to change colors and add things to see if it would help. I set them aside, and chose something new to paint. Some strawberries, a cup, a cloth and a mirror underneath to try something different. And, I finally got excited!! I like this one! Hopefully I'll be able to get a good picture of it tomorrow.


  1. really really nice Debbie. Loved the post of the three friends too. great job.

  2. This is a beauty! I like seeing the photo with the set up and the painting together.

  3. This is beautiful, and the mirror to catch the reflections was genius!

  4. Looks really nice! I like the idea of having a mirror underneath.

  5. I like it too. A lot! Very nice.

  6. This is fabulous! Adding the mirror was sheer genius!

  7. Wow, it's beautiful, Debbie, as always.

  8. Hi, Debbie
    I have really enjoyed your blog and have made it one of my favorites on my blog. You have inspired me through your beautiful paintings and I look forward to seeing more. I especially like the photo of your work on the easel a the still life in the background. Thanks, Pam

  9. You are a wonderful artist and your blog is totally enjoyable to visit. Love this one and love reading your post.


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