
Monday, February 21, 2011

"Tea and Lemon"

Oil on 5x7 gessobord

I was going to put tea in this cup for the painting, but there is a rose painted on the inside as well as on the outside, and I wanted it to show. The scalloped edge, and rippled shape were a challenge, but I found that if I didn't try too hard to make it perfect, it looked better.


  1. Beautiful and delicate.
    Wonderful technique Debbie!

  2. You paint the delicate china so beautifully, Debbie. I like the teabag in the cup; it gets the message across perfectly. Even the table top is shiny and the lemon is gorgeous.

  3. Another of your beautiful tea cups. It still amazes me how you paint them so beautifully.

  4. BEAUTIFUL! The cup is pretty detailed and perfect, and yet the yellow lemon on the left really has the limelight...or know what I mean! It looks like you could squeeze it and get juice!

  5. You all send the greatest comments! Thank you thank you!!

  6. So beautiful! The cup is delicate, dainty and lovely. Great job on the shadows and highlights. I love how the lemon on the left has bright light on one side and falls into shadow on the other side. Well done!


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