
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Star Polyhedron Shape

A Study of Light and Shadow
Oil on 8x6 hardboard panel

I've been a little frustrated lately with my paintings. It seems I can't control the paint as well as I'd like to, and that leads to a lot of scraping off and repainting. So. I decided to take a step back and find out what I could do to improve my painting experiences.
I made up a few panels, coating them with different grounds, like a gray acrylic paint, gesso, or some acrylic medium. Then once dry, I tried a few different things on the panel before I painted, like a film of linseed oil, or liquin, or a mixture of both. Then I thought I would paint a picture of something rather basic just to try things out. So, I made this white star shape (copying it after one that one of my children had made in grade school :-) and painted it. And, I have to say, I found the paint to go on better, spread better and I had better control, which made me very happy. I went on to paint a few more things, which I still have to finish. I'll have them posted over the next few days.


  1. Cool! My grandson just saw this and said "hey, that's called a kiki." I guess he should know, right? Wonderful exercise.

  2. Debbie, nice results, it's a lovely painting. I think Mick McGinty prepares his panels in a similar way.

  3. Thanks Mona and Carol... I wondered if it had a name, I asked my son (who is 20 now) he says.. I made that in 3rd grade,mom, I don't remember!! hahaah

  4. I think this is lovely and what a nice piece that arose from your experimenting with your canvas.

  5. Hi Debbie,
    Thanks for sharing your experiment. I've been having so much trouble controlling my paint; it's time for me to try different techniques and mediums. Nice job.

  6. Lovely work on your blog. When I get (literally) bogged down in paint, I find a cleaned palette and new brushes are the answer. Some people like old brushes, but I find new ones give more strength and control.


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