
Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Forget-Me-Not and Petunias"

Oil on 5x7 hardboard panel

This is my grandmother's china, it's called "Forget Me Not",    The petunias are from my garden, I bought them because of their deep purple/ almost black color.  They are so velvety pretty with a thin pinstripe down each petal.  I was looking for something to add to the cup and saucer in the picture, and now that flowers are blooming, they made a nice addition.  Too bad I don't have any forget me nots!


  1. That china is exquisite, Debbie. What a gorgeous set of a family heirloom! I think this is one of my favorites of yours. Just truly gorgeous and probably the prettiest set of china I've seen!

  2. I love the detail on the china! Stunning!


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