
Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Black Plums, Peach and Cherries" Oil on 6x6 gessobord

I can't help it, I love painting fruit!  And since it's been so ridiculously hot outside the past few days, I don't mind sitting inside in the a/c to paint.


  1. Amazing realism. I really like this painting!

  2. I love fruit, too. You did a marvelous job on this, especially the colors of the plums--one is dark purple while the front one has touches of red. Love how the shadow of the plum falls on the peach. All the shadows are really interesting, including the one on the right, cast by something not in the painting. Great composition!

  3. The purples and deep reds of fruits always dry my eye when painted. The peach is a beautiful contrast. Lovely work, Debbie.

  4. Soft, sweet and delicious! Well done. Stay cool!

  5. Thank You all for your wonderful comments, it's always interesting to find out what part of a painting someone takes special notice of.

  6. This is marvelous! Just love the colors and highlights! Love little cherries:)


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