
Friday, July 29, 2011

"Golden Rainier Cherries" Oil on 6"x6" board

These beautifully colored cherries are available here for a short time in the summer, and I can't resist them.   I have them here in the painting sitting in a vintage milk glass cup.  They are bigger than regular cherries, and their colors go from a pale yellow to red.


  1. Lovely! I saw these at the store today, and wondered if I'd actually be able to do a painting of them before they were all eaten (by me). These are the best cherries!

  2. Just an exquisite piece all the way around, Debbie. You did a masterful job on that milk glass. There is something so homey about the colors in the cherries. And something so timeless and even historical about the colors to me. Love this one!

  3. Thank You!! what wonderful comments! and Sarah, your right, once I started eating these, I couldn't stop, the were so plump and full of cherry flavor!

  4. Debbie, another lovely painting! Congratulations on becoming A Daily Paintworks Featured Artist! It is a joy to see your paintings right up at the top!


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