
Monday, November 14, 2011

"Peeled Orange and Grapes" Oil on 5x7 board

I've been painting a lot lately, but just couldn't seem to get interested enough in a subject to come up with an interesting painting.  I'd paint something, and wipe it off... and paint again, and wipe off.   I thought it might help if  I  changed to a different smaller table top easel, and move my lights and set up around, and got a more comfortable chair to sit in, and after a few more tries, I got this painting, which I am finally happy with.  I peeled the orange days ago, but I kept it wrapped tightly in plastic in the fridge until I could get a good painting of it.  It worked out pretty good.


  1. Good thing you didn't give up. This painting is really good!

  2. Amazing job on the orange! The peel is just perfect! I also like how the light hits the top of the orange and then curves around and gets darker as it move into shadow. Great job!

  3. Awesome, Debbie. I bet there was a wonderful aroma in the room while you were painting too. That must inspire you!

  4. Your fruits are wonderful, Debbie!

  5. The orange half peeled is marvelous, but the green grapes are exceptional as well. You have really captured their translucence! and the way their color changes in the shadows is perfect Your fruit is always superb.

  6. Thank you Virginia, Carol, Sylviane, and anonymous :-)

  7. Congrats Debbie! You’re on the right track with this kind of artwork’ love it.. sharing knowledge!

  8. I love your work’ keep it up Debbie, you’re on the right track


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