
Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Magnolias, Daffodils and Violets"

 Oil on paper, 8x8 inches

I visited the Park near my home, where all the magnolia trees are in full bloom already!  It was a nice sunny day, and I took alot of pictures.   When I got home, I set up this little still life with a couple of very fragrant daffodils, (I wish I knew the name of them), a violet colored magnolia flower, and some white violets. 
I haven't been painting in a while, so I thought I would just do a practice/study piece to start off.  I'm always thinking of different  things to try, so I gessoed a piece of vellum bristol paper, and painted on that.  It was a very nice surface to paint on, but now that I am finished with my painting, I don't quite know what to do with it.  Since it is on paper,  I'm not sure how it should be framed.   Works on paper are usually matted and framed under glass, but an oil painting doesn't need a matte or glass.  I thought I might just glue the painting onto a board, and varnish it.   Then it could be framed as any other oil painting on board.   Maybe that's what I'll do.


  1. A very nice and fresh painting, Debbie!
    Yes, you have to glue it on a board, in France we call that "marouflage", it was usually used in 19th century.
    "A thin coat of the adhesive is applied to both the wall and the canvas. Once the canvas is mounted to the wall, pressure is exerted with rubber hand rollers to smooth the canvas and remove any bubbles."
    I already did that on my kitchen cupboards and it's ok.
    Have a good Sunday!


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