
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"A Peeled Orange and Monet" Oil on 5x7 board


 I had a lovely visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC a couple of weeks ago, and I bought a box of note cards in the gift shop, with Monet's paintings on them.  I bought them thinking I could use them in a painting.  I liked all the greens and blue in this one.  The orange almost seems like it could be a lemon now that I look at it, it's so yellow.. but, it really was that yellow!   I'm happy with how it came out. 


  1. Lovely! The yellows look beautiful with the blues and greens. And I really like the light background. Really cheerful.

    1. Thank you, Virginia! Cheerful is the same thing that came to my mind too!

  2. What an awesome idea, combining a painting in your still life!

  3. This is a beautiful painting! I like how the flat image on the note card contrasts with the three dimensional lemon.


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