
Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Nectarine and Cherries" Oil on 5x7 hardboard

                                    Available from my Etsy store,  Click Here

Work in Progress


  1. It's really interesting to see how you work. And I like seeing your set up, too. You appear to work on one section of the painting at a time, rather than all over. Carrie Waller paints like that. I'm not sure enough of my values to be able to do that--I have to keep going back and making adjustments. Anyway, this is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Virginia, I never thought about it before, but I guess I do work on one thing at a time. I finished the cherries and did the dish, and table top.. I don't remember exactly what order I went in. I should start with the darkest area, and lightest areas first, that's suppose to make judging the rest of the values easier. but, I don't always remember to do that! :-)

  2. Very pretty. I am trying to figure out your underpainting colors!

    1. Thank you Egretta, lately I have been toning the board with a thin wash of raw umber and letting it dry, then painting on top of that.

  3. This is a great mini painting! I have tried painting nectarines before, but they never look that good.

    1. Lora, Thanks! I tried to pick out a very interesting looking nectarine :-)

  4. This painting has such a nice feel. Thanks for sharing your process, too. Always interesting to see how other artists work. Good luck with your auction... Best regards, Laurie

  5. On the daily painting site, the prices should be for view ..
    beautiful work!


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