
Sunday, November 11, 2012

"Persimmons and Cranberries"

Oil on 5x7 inch board


This is a picture of my set up as seen through my little homemade viewfinder.

My set up and beginning sketch.
 Persimmons have been on my list of things I'd like to paint, and finally I bought a couple to try.  These had such a beautiful coloring, just ripening, they were shades of green to yellow to orange. I began a little differently with this one.    I started my painting on an acrylic toned board, drawing my sketch in with thin raw umber acrylic paint.  The white highlight is also acrylic.  After it dried (which doesn't take long at all), I began coloring in with oil paint.  
After this painting was done, I left the fruit to ripen and did another painting of them with more orange/red coloring.  


  1. Great tip - i haven't thought of combining acrylic & oils in that way. I'll try it when I have space to leave my easel set up!


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