
Friday, December 28, 2012

"Silver Goblet, Pear and Red Cloth" Oil on 6"x8" linen panel


I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  It's always a busy and exciting time, but I also look forward to when it's over and I have some peaceful quiet time to myself to draw and do some painting.

This painting is of a tarnished silver goblet, along with a pear, chestnuts, some cranberries and a red napkin.  The goblet is actually part of a set of 2 goblets and a matching pitcher.  It was an antique given to my husband's parents long ago.  It was in the attic for ages.  I just thought it would be interesting to paint.   I started this painting well before Christmas, and wasn't able to get back to it until recently.

Below:   Some 'work in progress' pictures.  The linen panel I painted on already had a different painting started on it from months ago.  So, I blotted it out with a thin coat of raw umber, let it dry and started this new painting.  Since the surface was a darker tone, I drew on it with a white conté stick.


  1. This is a beaut, Debbie, wishing you another great year of painting!

    1. Thank you Judy! Same to you! Have a great 2013!

  2. This is absolutely beautiful, Debbie!! I can't wait to see what you paint in 2013!!!! Love the progression on this painting!!

  3. love your work...why do you use linen and what kind?

    1. Hi Sharon, I don't use linen often, just for a change of pace... this linen panel happens to be Belgian linen from Blick Art.

  4. I love your design, Debbie. I love how the red linen climbs upwards into the goblet, then the angle of the pear also points upward and to the right to the top of the goblet. I love how the pear's backside gets lost into the shadow of the pear.

    Wonderful design!

    Happy Holidays, Debbie. May 2013 bring you and your family much happiness and success. God bless!

    1. Robert, Thank you for your wonderful comments! and I wish you the same, a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2013!


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