
Sunday, January 6, 2013


I've been a little slow in the painting department lately.  I've been looking for something to inspire me, but, no new and different ideas have come to me yet.  In the meantime, I thought I would share this...

I happen to love doodling.  I'm always picking up the nearest pen and drawing all over any piece of paper that is nearby, especially if I'm on the phone, or listening to music.  When I was little, my mother had a hard time finding a good piece of paper in the house to write a note on.   
The other day, as I was clicking on different blogs to look at,  I saw a thumbnail of an interesting pattern drawing that caught my attention.  I clicked on it, and from there I discovered this fascinating method of drawing doodles that is called "Zentangle ®".     Here is the website.  I was so inspired by the 100's of "tangle patterns"  they have drawn up, that I couldn't help but to get out my ink pens and a big sketch book and go at it!    I sat for hours and drew and drew and drew.  There was always another intriguing pattern to figure out how to draw, and add,  and my drawings just grew until I filled the page. 

It was a very nice, relaxing exercise to do, and I think it will help me to design a painting better.  After having done all this drawing, it occurred to me that I love doing things that result in building a pattern.  I've loved to knit and crochet, and embroider, not so much to create an item, but just because I love watching the designs grow from stitch to stitch.  So, maybe if when I'm thinking about what I might like to do a painting of, if I add something with a pattern in it, or on it... I'll be more in love with painting it. 

1 comment:

  1. Your biggest fan in Cleveland wishes you all the best in 2013-- I really like what you've done with blog changes, looks great (nice colors.) Oh, how I would LOVE to see your fruit still lifes with patterns, do it!! :)


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