
Monday, February 11, 2013

"Staying In"


We had a nice winter storm blow through here last Friday.  It was like a hit and run!! It came on fast, and stayed steady all day Friday and left us wallowing in a foot and half of snow.  Not too bad... not anything like the other half of the storm that pounded the states all along the coast.     Saturday, I dug a path from my door to the street and then went back in the house, too much snow out there to deal with!  So, I stayed in,  and painted this picture.   An empty cup waiting for tea or coffee, or maybe some hot chocolate, and some good books to pass the time. 


  1. This is so beautiful! I love the red, yellow, and then the gorgeous white. Glad you didn't get socked with too much snow. Spring is coming!

  2. Thank You Sarah, the snow is melting already, Spring is just around the corner!

  3. Brr...a perfect cup and spoon for a cold Sunday.
    Beautiful, Debbie!

  4. Lovin that spoon and of course everything else.


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