
Monday, January 13, 2014

"Kings and Queens" Oil on 6x6 board.

I've been wanting to do a painting of playing cards and wondered if I would like to make the designs on the cards with lots of detail, or if I would just do a looser version.  But, as I was drawing the image on the board, I felt like it would be fun to do all the details.  
Below are a couple of  in progress photos.  The first shows the board I started on.  I first painted over the gesso with a gray mix of acrylic paint.  I drew the design with pencil and then painted it in with acrylic raw umber.  Once that was dry, I started painting in color with oil.  I had the cards close by to copy from.


  1. Hi Debbie,

    Love this piece! I've also always wanted to paint cards (I love poker almost as much as painting) but thought the detail would be a challenge in oil. You did a marvelous job--thanks so much for sharing your process. Happy new year and happy painting, Aimee

  2. Wow, what a fun image! And expertly painted, as usual!

  3. Stunning -- I am at a loss for words, I'm so blown away. I can't even imagine this is possible and I'm looking right at it.


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