
Friday, March 14, 2014

"A Bowl of Lemons" Oil on 9x 12 inch Canvas

I should name this painting, " Snow Day Lemons"... hahahha.   A couple days ago, a nice blizzard came through here and pretty much shut everything down.  It was kind of cool, even the Weather Channel was reporting live from a location near the Lake.  It lasted the whole day, and for the whole day, I set up this still life and painted it, while listening to the weather channel, and occasionally looking outside to watch the storm.  I finished it up the next day.

This picture could be better.  The highlights on the lemons are a little blown out, and the yellow is too bright, and the background seems to have alot of glare. .  In real life, the lemons are a deeper yellow and the fleur de lis are a little more subdued.   This image looked better on my computer, than it does on the blogger website.  ??   I guess, I'll try and see if I can't get a better image of it in the next few days.  


  1. I really enjoy your paintings. Next time I want to paint a lemon, I am going to view your website for assistance! Just lovely.

  2. Beautiful work Debbie! I love the patterned background as always.


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