
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

'Primrose" work in progress...

Click on any image to enlarge

I bought a potted primrose a couple week ago at a flower show, and I've been wanting to paint it ever since.  I finally decided to try, and plucked a little sprig of flowers off the plant and put them in this little metal container.  The container is only decorative, and water leaked from it, so I put a wet paper towel around the cut stems and set them in it.  The bottom flower is a loose flower, I set that in a thimble of water, and tucked it in.    Since my set up seemed so fragile, I didn't think it would last the hours it would take me to paint it, so I took pictures just in case.  (you can see the lower flower had already drooped from where it had been in my picture)

I printed out one of the pictures, and it was helpful to use it for my drawing.  I started on a white gessoed panel, using thinned raw umber acrylic paint.  Once this was dry, I began with oil. 

I painted in the background and table top first.   I was so excited, even at this early stage, I knew it was going to turn out ok!! :-)

I couldn't quite match that gorgeous pink of those flowers, but I tried my best.  I haven't tried painting flowers in a long time, and I'm so glad I did.  I was thrilled with how it came out, and just in time for Spring. 
I will post the finished painting in a day or two, when I get a chance to photograph it. 
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Love your progress shots, Debbie, plus you seem such an orderly, methodical painter!
    Beautiful painting as usual.

    1. Thank you Judy, I'm usually all over the place when I paint, but I think since I don't paint flowers very often, I had to concentrate more on this one :)


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