
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day Lily, Mango, and Cherries... work in progress....

The colors in this mango are just right with the mix of cherry colors, I added a day lily from my garden and it all looked perfect together! 
A little about the technique....
Earlier in the day I was coloring with my pastels, and I wondered... why couldn't I start an underpainting for an oil painting with the pastels?  I wouldn't have to mix any paint, all the colors are right there to choose from and I'm not a pastel artist, but I know there are techniques using pastel with turpentine, or odorless mineral spirit (oms) to spread and mix them with a brush. 
So, I used a panel that already had a dried wash of turp. and burnt umber on it, I drew my design with pastel pencils and colored it in with pastels, and then used a brush and turpentine to wet it and spread it around.  It made a very nice start to work from.

My daylily was slowly fading... a good thing I took a picture of my set up before I started.   Maybe I should have painted the lily in first.  Although, there's always a new day lily to take it's place, as the first one wilted, a new one bloomed.

This was about 5-6 hours of work....   just have the lily left to paint in, and cherry stems.


  1. Wow Debbie, this is turning out nicely! Pretty cool to see how you incorporated pastels to form your under painting, especially because I'm a pastel artist. The colours are vibrant and the painting really comes alive. Or groups work!

  2. I like the start very much even though I already know how you finished it.
    Also, although I do have two of Carol Marine's panel holders, I also made one of these painting supports from foam core for my studio. I need to have things everywhere as I am all over the place.


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