
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Working on Carnations and a Tangerine...

I had sketched this still life set up in pencil, and I really like the sketch so I thought I would do a painting of it too.  It seemed pretty well planned out, but now that I've come near to the finish of it, I feel like it's not quite right. 
Maybe it's that sharp line dividing the background and table...I kind of liked that line when I put it in though... My sketch has a lighter background... but, I put a darker background in my little value sketch and I liked it,  the proportions are different in my painting though.. and of course, my carnations are completely wilted now... hmmmmm.... a work in progress.....


  1. It certainly looks lovely to me!

  2. I love your little paintings. You capture your subject so beautifully.

  3. Such beautiful rendering! I always enjoy receiving your blogs and see all your artwork done with such care and feeling, whether drawings or paintings and regardless of subject matter. I don't comment often, but just want you to know how much I appreciate what you do!

  4. Wow, your paintings are amazing. I just found you by accident. I was looking for oranges and strawberries. Truly amazing.

  5. That bit of orange reflection on the knife kills me, really nice!!!!!!


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