I painted this from a picture I took quite a while ago. I remember setting some things up, and taking pictures to get ideas for paintings, and I forgot about them. I usually prefer to paint from life, because all the information I need is right in front of me. A photo seems to pale in comparison, but in this case... I think it helped. I printed the picture on regular printer paper, and it was pale and off color. I used it to get the basics down, and then the rest was up to me. It was kind of nice just to color in what ever way I wanted, and not trying so hard to match every color to my set up. It came out much looser too, which I like. I feel like the looser touch might be because I've been drawing alot lately with my pastel sticks, and I like the sketchy look of them. I think I might try to carry that over into my painting a little more.
Simply...BEAUTIFUL! Truly stunning.