
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Irish Whiskey... re painted

I was planning on painting over this whiskey jug painting with something totally different, when I thought I should give it another try. Why not? and besides, I wouldn' t have to start something from scratch, this was already painted and dry, I could start right in. After a few minutes of painting,I don't know what I did, but for some reason, it just started to look like I had wanted it to, the first time I had tried to paint it. I got so excited!!!! It's funny how I can get so excited, or so disappointed over what happens on that canvas. Excited enough to want to jump up and down and cheer!!!! or disappointed enough to sit and cry. This one made me cheer. It's not perfect, but I had a good day. This was a hard painting to take a good picture of. Lots of glare in every one I took. I'll try to get a better one another time.
To see my first try at this painting scroll down, or click here.


  1. I can see why you are happy! The rich deep color of the crock is wonderful and boy did you nail that glass of whiskey! I don't know what you did either but it worked!!!!!

  2. Thanks Marilyn, the glass was the hard part, so that's good to hear!

  3. Beautiful painting, Debbie! The change you made really improved it - it has more drama/atmosphere.
    Wonderful textures too and Marilyn is right, you nailed the glass of whiskey!

  4. Thank you Edward, for your wonderful comments. I am glad I did a good job on that glass of whiskey, my husband reminded me that St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner, and this is Irish whiskey! lol


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