
Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Lemon, Cherries and Strawberry"

Oil on 5"x7" hardboard panel
Here is another painting of the same fruit, only I added a lemon. I forgot how difficult it is for me to paint a lemon!! I don't know if it's the shape, or the color, or the texture, or maybe all of the above.. but, it seems every lemon I've ever painted took many tries.

Also... There is still time to vote in the next Daily Painter Contest... if you haven't already, why not take a second and vote! Click Here for the contest page.


  1. Hi Debbie,
    I love how you did the strawberry; either not yet fully ripe and/or a reflection from the lemon. A very thoughtful aspect of your painting.

  2. Debbie - this is beautiful! You are the queen of the strawberries. Today I did a painting of part of a strawberry plant in my garden, and struggled to get the strawberry to look like something other than a red slug - should have hopped on the computer and checked out your site to see how it is done!

  3. This still life is impressive, and I like the simple background, that show the fruits in a flattering light.

  4. I cannot figure out how you've managed that texture on the lemon! It is perfection! And I really want to pluck those cherries right from my monitor! So lovely!

  5. I can put out my hand and touch your fruit, they are so realistic. Rest assured, few will succeed to do a lemon like that!


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