
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cake Still Life with Cherry

(above) "Cake with Whipped Cream" Oil on 5"x7" board (Below) Work in Progress...)

I made this pound cake the other day, right from scratch! We made strawberry shortcake with it, but there was more cake than strawberries. So, I just ate it plain with whipped cream on top. So Good!
I've been wanting to paint something with frosting or whipped cream, so I set up a little still life with a peice of cake on a plate with a fork, but the whipped cream on top didn't last long! It melted,(it was the spray can kind), so I had to re do it, and take lots of pictures before painting. so I'd remember how the cream looked. I kept my cake nearby to paint from, because I can't get colors and shapes as well from looking at photos, or images on a screen.

Also, don't forget to vote in the Daily Painter Contest! If you haven't already, here is a link to the contest page... Click Here!


  1. Awesome, looks so real. Thanks for showing your work in progress. I really like when an artist does that. It helps us fledglings learn so much. :)

  2. Oh, so good and delicious.
    Beautiful ;)
    Kind Regards

  3. What a fabulous job on that cake texture! And I am just wanting to pluck that cherry right from my screen!!

  4. Yum...I love that some of the cake has been enjoyed!

  5. Great cake texture and the whipped cream is perfect! Looks yummy enough to eat.

  6. I am visiting here for the first time.. loved what I saw! This is an amazing still life you have created.. the spongy texture of the cake looks so real, the metal shine of the fork is just perfect! Not to forget the juicy cherry!

  7. Thank you so much everyone for your kind and thoughtful comments!!

  8. Hey Debbie

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)
    This really does look good enough to eat and such lovely fruit paintings too ..... great stuff!


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