
Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Cut Orange and Strawberries"

Oil on 5"x7" board
It always surprises me how different a color is in reality, compared to what color I think it is. The color orange out of the tube is nothing like the color of this orange fruit. It's hard to give in, and just make a color that matches the fruit and use it in the painting, no matter how it looks on the palette. These oranges now look to me, more real than any others I've done.


  1. Very nice work, Debbie! I love the color of the fruit and the contrast of the rear orange against the background, and of course your highlights are superb :-)

  2. Yes, I agree these look sooooo real it's amazing. If you don't mind my asking; just how long does it take you to paint a beautiful picture like this?

  3. What a gorgeous portrait of fresh fruit. You can even see the orange's juices and it makes me crave...Beautiful piece, Debbie!

  4. I agree - your color, texture and glossiness of the orange skins and pulp are spot on! All of your fruit is very genuine looking, and also everything in the painting looks very delicious and appealing!

  5. This still life is amazing, the translucency of the strawberries and the orange flesh is awesome, the fruit looks so real.

  6. Wow, very beautiful!! Your colors are so amazing.

  7. This is truly amazing. Having tried to paint the juicy part of a lemon I know the challenge. I so get whatt you mean about the color mixing on the palet and then matching it to your work. It can be soooo challenging. You are amazing!!


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