
Friday, August 6, 2010

I don't have any new paintings to post, and it isn't because I haven't had time to paint. I've been taking time to paint every day this week, but always wind up wiping off what I've done. I'm disappointed, and don't quite know what is wrong. So, I guess I'll just stop trying for a while, and wait and see what happens.


  1. Hi Debbie, sometimes I find it helps to paint a duplicate of something you've done before in a different size to get the creativity flowing. Like your summer hydrangeas. Just paint them pink instead of purple and watch what happens...........

  2. Carol, that is a great idea, thank You!

  3. Because you are already such a strong painter, I'll bet it's that you are growing into a new level, which does throw you off-balance for awhile. I don't know this from painting, but from decades of martial-arts training, where my Karate feels amazing for months, then I'll start tripping on my own feet. But I know to be patient, because significant improvements have always followed.
    Keep active with the brush, I'm sure you'll see that too- you are so talented!

  4. Looking forward to seeing what you do do next though!

  5. thank you everyone for the encouraging words, they are very much appreciated :-)

  6. Debbie, I agree with Carol. Re-working compositions in which you are confident is a great way to get back into the zone! Sitting it out is ok too. You are one of my absolute favorite artists and I know great things for you are right around the bend!!

  7. I have had many spells were it seemed like the work just wouldn't flow... it is so frustrating, but I believe just part of the artistic growth and development. Sometimes it helps to just take the pressure off and just "play". Try a different medium, subject or perspective - just take away that feeling of trying to create a masterpiece.
    Your work is amazing, by the way!


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