
Monday, August 9, 2010

"Strawberries and Grapes on White Cloth"

Oil on 5"x7" hardboard panel

I've been doing some thinking about design, and composition. Contrasts of color, shape, light and dark... etc. All the things that make a painting interesting to look at. I'm not always mindful of making sure these things are a part of my design. I've been doing alot of drawing lately too. And I notice that I really like drawing things with wavy lines, so I decided to put the focus on the folds of fabric in this little painting, and put the fruit up at the top. It's different, but a nice change, I like it.


  1. Oh so lovely! Really nice composition and perfect colors!

  2. Hi Debbie, Well it works! Lovely job with this one. Wonderful color, shadows.

  3. I like the composition very much and the that little bit 'o glare on the front strawberry is brilliant.

  4. Deb it has been a little while since I have checked in but I am once agin in awe of your work. it is incredible. Do you have an email addres that I can ask you some more personal questions?

  5. thanks again, everyone, for sending me your comments!! Teri, my email is

  6. Very nice indeed! love that composition.

  7. The drapery is especially exquisite! Beautiful work.


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